Dies patient admitted with fever and bleeding
Frank Gonzalo Fossi joined the Central Hospital three days ago, according to family
In Maracay Central Hospital autopsy was performed
Monday September 15, 2014 12:00 AM
Maracay -.
Though doctors and staff working at the Central Hospital of
(HCM) remain sealed at the news, a patient admitted to the health
center, died on Sunday morning, following the course Febrile Hemorrhagic
Syndrome, they alleged their families.
The victim was identified as Frank Gonzalo Fossi, 42 years old, who had a rapid decompensation and deterioration caused his death in just three days, relatives reported that remained in the hospital waiting for the autopsy results with the purpose of verifying the cause of death.
They explained that Frank Gonzalo Fossi expelled fever and coughing up blood. He also recorded rosettes skin.
On admission he was diagnosed with Chikungunya, but also had a lung condition.
Family members are awaiting further evaluation on the cause of death and if it comes Fever Syndrome Hemorrhagic disease mentioned last week by representatives of the College of Physicians in the state, who pointed know if this is a virus or bacteria but causes rapid deterioration of the organs. The version was denied by the state governor, Tarek El Aissami, who said Sarmiento sought to "create chaos". https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eluniversal.com%2Fnacional-y-politica%2F140915%2Ffallece-paciente-ingresado-con-fiebre-y-hemorragia&edit-text=
The victim was identified as Frank Gonzalo Fossi, 42 years old, who had a rapid decompensation and deterioration caused his death in just three days, relatives reported that remained in the hospital waiting for the autopsy results with the purpose of verifying the cause of death.
They explained that Frank Gonzalo Fossi expelled fever and coughing up blood. He also recorded rosettes skin.
On admission he was diagnosed with Chikungunya, but also had a lung condition.
Family members are awaiting further evaluation on the cause of death and if it comes Fever Syndrome Hemorrhagic disease mentioned last week by representatives of the College of Physicians in the state, who pointed know if this is a virus or bacteria but causes rapid deterioration of the organs. The version was denied by the state governor, Tarek El Aissami, who said Sarmiento sought to "create chaos". https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eluniversal.com%2Fnacional-y-politica%2F140915%2Ffallece-paciente-ingresado-con-fiebre-y-hemorragia&edit-text=