
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

5 year old dies in Vargas with similar symptoms to victims of Maracay

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


5 year old dies in Vargas with similar symptoms to victims of Maracay

Physicians Maracay Central Hospital reported that another patient five months old with acute hemorrhagic fever syndrome. "His condition is stable," although high fever and spots on the skin. Last Sunday he died in this hospital Fossi Franklin, 40 years of age, acute respiratory failure, fever, bleeding and stains on the skin. Before he had been admitted to hospital with symptoms of chikungunya and was discharged.

Social Security In San Jose, in Maracay, Yordi Bracho, 28, from ChoronĂ­, entered Friday with leg pain. "At first I thought it was phlebitis, had a red stain, but now all swollen and purple blood bubbles leg," said his wife Carolina Gautier. He developed fever from Friday until Sunday. "The doctors tell me that the redness moved very fast, and do not know what you have." Last week, Bracho presented symptoms of chikungunya, but had improved.

In Vargas, where chikungunya has also been extended, died Sunday a child of 5 years with similar cases of Aragua box.
Thomas War of Maternal Messenger pediatrician and president of the Medical College of Vargas reported child entered after more than 12 hours with vomiting. His parents reported that he had a week with high fever and skin rash. During that time they resorted to home treatment, they thought it was chikungunya, which together with the dengue has affected the whole family. Living in Montesano, where most are affected by febrile virus. "We assume it was a dengue chikungunya.'re Waiting for studies to determine the causes of death," Guerra said.

Last week, Miguel Carrillo died, 39 years old, in hospital Pariata half hour after entering with high fever and joint pains as those produced by chikungunya.