TURN THE ALARM IN ARAGUA | already out of control this epidemic
Chikungunya not accepted, which, as is known no fumigation or
explanation of why things do not get worse in Aragua State; Now
Alarm light in Maracay Central Hospital by bacteria (unofficially talking about the Black Death)
We have information that in Maracay Central Hospital. "Die a patient with STAFILOCOCCEMIA" And the arrival of two more patients in the same conditions is confirmed. Malaise, fever, skin tenderness, day-death evolution with skin necrosis and acute renal failure. Also similar case in IVSS Carabaño Tosta.
Shades of anguish and terror as busy lives in Hospital, one speaks of Yersenia PESTIS infections.
Gram-negative anaerobic bacillus primary pathogen of the genus
Yersinia, which occurs in humans the pneumonic plague, bubonic plague
and septicemic plague. The most serious is that they are not taking steps to alert staff to health.
However, in the obstetrics ward and pediatrics we report 25 deaths of
infants with symptoms similar to Chikungunya, these newborns die from
massive bleeding. When performing special hematology show alarming results suggest that Ebola or meningococcemia.
At this time infectologists meeting, closed down 1 floor hospital where
the delivery room areas, operating theaters, recovery and intensive
Again improvisation regional health system rages in Aragua population. https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://loquepiensalagente.info/index.php/others/all-categories/salud/1651-25-muertes-de-neonatos-con-sintomas-similares-a-ebola-o-meningococcemia&usg=ALkJrhjlo_K7AHVPbNpW1fgbIkG2KhEADg