Sakaka - Abdulaziz Nabati
Sunday, December 15th, 2013
Fawaz cruiser died young (37 years ) after spending more than two weeks in intensive care in a hospital in the city of Prince Abdul Rahman Al-Sudairy Sakaka without hospital diagnosed health condition accurately .
Friends and revealed a young man 's «life » that Fawaz wounded Pfyrus « Corona » since that enter the intensive care unit at the hospital , surprising discreetly from the hospital to detect the injury Fawaz Balvyrus .
He said that the hospital with a case of complacency Fawaz and not to deal with it as it should , that led to the bad condition of Fawaz health until his death yesterday .
Furthermore, din Mgrdon in the social networking site « Twitter » created Hashtaq behalf (# Fawaz _ cruiser _ need _ evacuation _ Urgent ) , anger after the announcement of his death yesterday , Mstgrbin of survival Fawaz in the hospital without evacuate to a specialized hospital until they are diagnosed condition and treatment in the absence of necessary medical potential in the central hospital .
The «life» published on ( Tuesday ) last topic about the inability of the central hospital for diagnosis if Fawaz , mention was made of the level of care low in the hospital « Central » , in addition to « confusion » of clinical staff and administration in the treatment of patients with Pfyrus « Corona » , has contributed to the spread of rumors several warns people of the region to come to the hospital because of an outbreak of the virus within the corridors of the hospital.
The Hospital, Prince Abdul Rahman Al-Sudairy is one of the oldest hospitals in the region and has conducted ongoing reforms did not intercede to him that has the confidence of the people of the region , and who rely too much on hospitals and specialized treatment centers at home and abroad for treatment.