Health studied 40 people in contact with the new virus
Besides family, friends and health, has contacted the plane's passengers
The woman traveled to Saudi Arabia to Spain with respiratory symptoms

Electron micrograph of MERS-CoV (scanned image to color). CYNTHIA CDC GOLDSMITH
Although this is an imported case and that there is a risk from the standpoint of public health, detection of the first case of Saudi coronavirus Spain was forced to launch a complex machinery of surveillance and prevention put on alert physicians, microbiologists, epidemiologists ...
As confirmed by the Ministry of Health to THE WORLD right now
especially is monitored 40 people who have been in contact with the
Moroccan woman who remains hospitalized and stable Majadahonda Puerta de
Hierro Hospital in Madrid.
Sources Ana Mato department heads explain that you are doing track "about 40 people between health, family and patients, who have had close contact" with the woman.
Spanish authorities are getting in contact with the persons of the flight near the woman traveled from Saudi Arabia to our country. Specifically, clarify, on the plane is considered 'contact' to those in two rows in a circle from the seat of the patient: "I mean, two passengers on the right and two left, two rows in front left and right and the same thing back. " In this case, as the configuration of the aircraft was three seats on each side of the aisle and as affected riding in the middle seat, you are analyzing only the two people traveling beside (in addition to the two rows in front and back).
Health authorities also include among this group contagion risk to members of the cabin crew that were in direct contact with the affected and health workers that could having attended at first without adequate protection (masks, gloves. ..)
Inmaculada Casas and Francisco Pozo, Unit Respiratory and Flu Virus Carlos III, explain that to confirm the diagnosis respiratory samples taken from both the upper respiratory tract (nasopharyngeal) and lower (bronchoalveolar lavage and tracheal aspirate sample even Sputum). "Do not forget that serum samples from symptom onset and after 10 days of onset of these symptoms are of great interest to perform serology studies that complement the information obtained from respiratory specimens."
As acknowledged by the Ministry in its document 'Procedure of action against infections with the new coronavirus (MERS-CoV)', aimed at health professionals, today is not known for how long you can keep infecting a patient, so that "all samples collected for laboratory investigation should be treated as potentially infectious." And that includes not only respiratory samples (sputum, bronchial aspirate, nasopharyngeal ...), but also the urine and feces, which also detected the presence of the virus.
According to this protocol, the woman remains isolated in a negative pressure room in Madrid hospital (with special filters and a lower pressure outside to open the door to anything you have on the environment pops out) and although presents a picture of pneumonia with severe respiratory problems, "the situation is stable and progressing well".
This is a 61 year old Moroccan citizen, resident in Spain, who traveled to Saudi Arabia between October 2 and November 1 (although whether traveled to participate in the pilgrimage to Mecca, health authorities had strengthened itself epidemiological surveillance for this reason). This is precisely the focus country of origin of this new respiratory virus, never before seen in humans. Since 2012 has affected some 150 people (mostly in Arabia and neighboring countries) and although it is a very high figure, especially concerned about the mortality rate of the virus, about 50%.
In Spain, this is the first time a case is reported with suspected coronavirus infection.
Sources Ana Mato department heads explain that you are doing track "about 40 people between health, family and patients, who have had close contact" with the woman.
Spanish authorities are getting in contact with the persons of the flight near the woman traveled from Saudi Arabia to our country. Specifically, clarify, on the plane is considered 'contact' to those in two rows in a circle from the seat of the patient: "I mean, two passengers on the right and two left, two rows in front left and right and the same thing back. " In this case, as the configuration of the aircraft was three seats on each side of the aisle and as affected riding in the middle seat, you are analyzing only the two people traveling beside (in addition to the two rows in front and back).
Health authorities also include among this group contagion risk to members of the cabin crew that were in direct contact with the affected and health workers that could having attended at first without adequate protection (masks, gloves. ..)
Surveillance for 21 days
According to agreed protocols between Health and the CCAA for these cases, monitoring is recommended for two weeks all these people to monitor respiratory symptoms from appearing. Besides all epidemiological data were collected a blood sample in the first seven days (which will be analyzed at the National Center of Microbiology, Institute Carlos III) and, if they remain without symptoms, a second sample at 21 days.Inmaculada Casas and Francisco Pozo, Unit Respiratory and Flu Virus Carlos III, explain that to confirm the diagnosis respiratory samples taken from both the upper respiratory tract (nasopharyngeal) and lower (bronchoalveolar lavage and tracheal aspirate sample even Sputum). "Do not forget that serum samples from symptom onset and after 10 days of onset of these symptoms are of great interest to perform serology studies that complement the information obtained from respiratory specimens."
As acknowledged by the Ministry in its document 'Procedure of action against infections with the new coronavirus (MERS-CoV)', aimed at health professionals, today is not known for how long you can keep infecting a patient, so that "all samples collected for laboratory investigation should be treated as potentially infectious." And that includes not only respiratory samples (sputum, bronchial aspirate, nasopharyngeal ...), but also the urine and feces, which also detected the presence of the virus.
According to this protocol, the woman remains isolated in a negative pressure room in Madrid hospital (with special filters and a lower pressure outside to open the door to anything you have on the environment pops out) and although presents a picture of pneumonia with severe respiratory problems, "the situation is stable and progressing well".
This is a 61 year old Moroccan citizen, resident in Spain, who traveled to Saudi Arabia between October 2 and November 1 (although whether traveled to participate in the pilgrimage to Mecca, health authorities had strengthened itself epidemiological surveillance for this reason). This is precisely the focus country of origin of this new respiratory virus, never before seen in humans. Since 2012 has affected some 150 people (mostly in Arabia and neighboring countries) and although it is a very high figure, especially concerned about the mortality rate of the virus, about 50%.
In Spain, this is the first time a case is reported with suspected coronavirus infection.