- A 73-year-old Arab died Tuesday afternoon in Munich on dangerous coronavirus.
- The Schwabing Hospital today a man died from the United Abrabischen Emirates on dangerous coronavirus.Photo: Health Protection Agency dpa
The corona virus is considered extremely dangerous. The Schwabing Hospital in recent days an Arab was treated, who was suffering from this disease. Now he died on deadly virus.
73-year-old died of circulatory shock
The 73-year-old had died of a circulatory shock - a consequence of infection. This was announced by the municipal hospital, the news agency dpa. He had already suffered from severe pre-existing conditions. The man was according to the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin on 19 March was a clinic in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates moved to Germany. On 23 March the infection with the novel coronavirus was detected. Worldwide, only 16 cases are known, nine patients died.Many media inquiries for coronavirus
Many members of the press presented requests to the hospital in the morning."Since many people ask after the coronavirus and want to inquire about the man, it can be a while before we answer their questions," a spokesman of the hospital said on request from AZ online.Before she could answer the questions that the man died in a press release of the hospital so the announcement:
Coronaviruses cause respiratory infections in mammals and in birds.The pathogen was detected for the first time in June 2012 when a man from Saudi Arabia. "According to other media, the man shall have been infected with a racing camel.AZ / dpa
...Man dies in Munich on Coronavirus- weiter lesen auf Augsburger-Allgemeine: http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/panorama/Mann-stirbt-in-Muenchen-an-Coronavirus-id24607241.html