
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Crony stuff

So now the immuno compromised patient has died. The first is still in bad shape and the "MILD" case is under house arrest. How long do you think that will be? Also there is a new medical report declaring the new crony can infect you faster than sars did. It also seems to be more powerful. There is a careful orchestration of "Good news, Bad news."
 There is no widespread outbreak as of now, but with all the new reports coming in, it's a case of "Don't panic just yet, we are watching it."
 Hard to say definitively, what it will do. I am inclined to think that it will get going. There are too many unknowns about it, but the more we are finding out, the worse it looks like it could be. No way to stop it, really. We will be reading about this crap for a lotta long time.. UNLESS  IT DROPPED OFF THE RADAR AND MAGICALLY WENT AWAY.. hahah
 As we are watching one thing, H5N1, another new threat surprises us again.
No, it's not a big conspiracy or gov't designed disease. They are worried as much we are, no matter WHAT you read. Shit looks stupid, and they are playing funny with all the actual facts. Notice the  "Don't be surprised when it's in the U.S." stories we were getting yesterday.You are starting to see it on TV now..So stay informed. The are about to tell you something..and they HATE to do that. 10 Days Grace is down to 8.