RS Tangerang Prepare Special Teams Handle Bird Flu
Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 20:00 pm
Reuters / Fiqman Sunandar

An officer of the farms do penyomprotan residents in the chicken coop to prevent the bird flu virus (H5N1).
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - A number of hospitals began memersiapkan themselves when faced with the threat of bird flu in 2013. One of them Tangerang District General Hospital which is one referral hospital in handling a case of bird flu.
Chief Public Relations RSU Tangerang regency, Dr. Ahmad Mukhlis, said the hospital already has a dedicated team to deal with bird flu which consists of specialist doctors, Lung, Son , and ER. Mukhlis continued, the hospital has two classifications patient's arrival. "The first one, came straight to the hospital, and the second is a referral from another hospital for treatment here," he said on Tuesday (11/12).
Patients who come directly to the ER for evaluation, examination, and laboratory tests.Mukhlis added, if it proves bird flu patient, means it will go into the isolation room with amenities tools. While that is still alleged, in the independent stage. "The difference is not independent can not move. While the patient is still able to self-indulge" he continued. supporting tool in the form of bedside monitors and ventilator while our office named Airborne infection isolation room. hepafilter In this room there is a negative air pressure in order to aim the air out of the sterile room. while patients will receive special handling, from nurses, doctors equipped with special clothing.
"Although no cases of bird flu infect humans, but we remain vigilant," he said. The hospital also provides CCTV for families who are not allowed to enter.