
Sunday, September 9, 2012

AVIAN INFLUENZA (52): VIET NAM ex CHINA : Viet Nam, H5N1 virus evolution

Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2012
From: Anton van Engelen

Avian influenza (51): Viet Nam, H5N1 virus evolution
Further to your moderator's query ["The term 'China's disqualified chickens' is in need of clarification"]:

"Disqualified chickens" are spent hens/culled layers, which come in large numbers across the border, because they fetch higher prices in Vietnam than in China: Vietnam is still largely a live bird market, whereas the Chinese have gone much further in the processing, where it is harder to get rid of spent hens. When I was in Vietnam in June there was an estimate of about 50 000 live birds coming into the country per day illegally. 

Communicated by:
Anton van Engelen, 
Freelance livestock consultant