
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Discovery of poultry infected with #bird flu on a farm in Fayoum #H5N1

Fayoum by day - Tuesday, July 24, 18:26

Confirmed the central laboratory of the Ministry of Health a positive sample was obtained from a poultry farmer in Fayoum Center Snurs "bird flu" and that the sample was infected with the disease and the Department of Preventive Medicine Department of Veterinary Medicine in Fayoum has received over the past week.

The competent organs of anti-bird flu detected in Fayoum has found injuries among poultry in the village farm private compromise of the Department of Veterinary Medicine Psonors, and got them on the samples and after laboratory testing showed that the samples were obtained and sent for analysis positive for the disease.

Notified the Department of Veterinary Medicine Snurs police station of the reservation to non-poultry markets and leaked to the Preventive Medicine Department for disposal of health through the application and instructions of the Ministry of Health on how to get rid of the infected chickens epidemiological fear of transmission of the citizens.

For his part, charged Ahmed Ali Ahmed Governor of Fayoum governorate crisis management to pursue the disposal of poultry infected health burials prepared for this purpose outside the residential block.