Contributor: Marisa Yamane
Last Update: 11/16 10:15 pm
Paramedics were called to Sacred Hearts Academy today after about a dozen people appeared to have a reaction to the H1N1 swine flu vaccine.
Officials say the apparent reactions could have a lot to do with anxiety rather than the vaccine itself.
Approximately 300 students and 100 faculty at Sacred Hearts Academy got armed against the H1N1 swine flu Monday morning in the State's school vaccination clinic.
Kindergartener Tai Martinez was one of those students.
"Under the recommendations of her pediatrician we felt confident," said Tai's mother Jade Martinez.
But school officials say about a dozen people had an apparent reaction minutes after getting vaccinated.
"It ranged from a rash on the arm, to breathing problems, their neck tightened up. A couple became nauseous. The most common complaint was light headedness," said Betty White, Head of Sacred Hearts Academy.
The clinic manager called EMS four times, and altogether paramedics took five students and one adult to the hospital.
All were released by noon, except for one student who has asthma.
When asked if she thinks they overreacted, State Epidemiologist Sarah Park said: "I think we're still looking into things but it does sound like probably we could've been a little been less reactive."
Park says according to protocol, she and a state pediatrician are standing by to answer any questions by phone.
"But if she's, if any of our clinic managers are in a pinch and they have to make a decision and they're not certain then yes the protocol is to call EMS for help," said Park.
Park says the clinic manager was new,

"Bottom line for today -- what we heard about was not unusual. the only unusual thing was that they were clustered but anything with the kids they're fine it was a matter of being safe than sorry," said Park.
The Health Department began its H1N1 vaccination clinics on Friday and today held five clinics at schools across Oahu.
Officials say none of the other clinics reported any problems.