
Friday, January 11, 2013

Number of Ukrainian children who contracted flu reach more than one million persons

Number of Ukrainian children who contracted flu and SARS reach more than one million persons

08-01-2013 12:46
Number of Ukrainian children under 17 who had the flu and SARS since the beginning of the epidemic season, makes more than one and a half million persons. This was reported in the press service of the State sanitary epidemic service.
According to the World Health Organization, the best protection against influenza is vaccination. Vaccination not only prevents disease but also prevents complications, including pneumonia of varying severity, meningitis, otitis, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Each year doctors fix on average half a million deaths due to complications from influenza. According to experts, in Ukraine outbreaks of two types of flu - A and B are expected.

5 stories about the Russian soldiers

Just what they are saying..

January 12, 2013, Views: 12386
The reason for the epidemic of pneumonia among conscripts lies in vaccination
From Moscow, Podolsk came the tragic news in the military district hospital № 1586 from pneumonia died four soldiers of which came from different units. Do not want to give a bad prognosis, but perhaps these are not the last death: hospital patients crowded conscripts. The military prosecutor's office started to check what happened.According to one theory, all fault - wrong system of vaccination. But it turned out the "MK", ​​do not write off the denial of medical care, and disregard for the lives of new recruits.
pneumonia Podolsk conscript soldiers death soldier
Severe disease claimed the lives of four soldiers in the New Year. All of them were in the hospital Podolsk, where chances of recovery they have virtually no. December 26, never regained consciousness and died a soldier of the 27th motorized brigade Eugene Tyulenev.And three days later killed 19-year-old Zakir Kuchekaev from Bashkiria and 23-year-old Dmitry Sokolov of the Kaluga region. A week later, he died 20 years Sergey Sweden. All the victims have put one diagnosis: acute bilateral bacterial viral pneumonia.
19-year-old Zakir Kuchekaeva urged November 13 of the Bashkir city Meleuz. Young handsome guy differed good health. Professional kickboxing. Before the call was in college at the bank employee. In general, the army was ready and mentally, and physically. Give back to the motherland he decided, were not forced to. An example was the elder brother of Dinis.
- His assigned to a military unit near Naro-Fominsk, which train gunners. At first everything was fine, no matter what Zakir complained - said Dinis Kuchekaev. - In early December, he got sick, cough. He was diagnosed with SARS - and gave the pills. Treated in the infirmary, but the condition did not improve his brother, then put him in the hospital. There he went on the mend, and the doctors promised him even write. But just before the discharge Zakir was in intensive care. From 26 to 29 December, we could not get through to him. On 29 December we reported that Zakir died of bilateral pneumonia ...
When the family Kuchekaevyh reported the tragic news, they thought that Zakir could severely beaten. However, the body of a young man was clean, with no injuries and bruising. Man buried on January 6. His family are still in shock. "How could this happen?" - Do not stop to question people.
Incidentally, according to Dinis, the younger brother said that along with it is another ill colleague.
In a military unit under the carpet, where the disease caught Dmitry Sokolov, bill goes to the patient scores. And military doctors say the hospital near Moscow crowded seriously ill soldiers infected in parts. According to preliminary data, the number of cases of lung infection is more than two dozen people.
Because the Defense Ministry has been slow to comment on what is happening in the media began to appear frightening assumptions. For example, some media spread the message that the soldiers may have died from SARS. However, Russia's chief sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko has categorically denied the report.
- If this actually happened, the military doctors would find the opportunity to inform us about it - the head of Rospotrebnadzor "Interfax".
After the commotion risen Defense Ministry reported that soldiers had served in various military units in the Western Military District, where they were taken to the hospital because of Podolsk negative dynamics of the disease. Military medical hospital had regular Concilia with leading pulmonologists Defense and used modern medications and treatment techniques.However undertaken intensive comprehensive treatment, with leading specialists of the Central Military Clinical Hospital. A.A.Vishnevskogo and the Military Medical Academy. Kirov, could not turn the tide. Defense believes that the "treatment of all four soldiers conducted appropriately, using all necessary methods of care."
However, it should be noted that the military cunning. They are well acquainted with the problem of mass morbidity conscripts. After all, this is not the first outbreak of the deadly virus. So why has killed young people? The answer was obvious: the system of vaccination can not be any criticism.
- The countdown to start from 2000. Recruits get sick because commanders to the last draw, without sending them to the hospital. Like, you do not want to serve, to take time off - commented a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Secretary of the Union of Committees of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia Valentina Melnikova. - But the main cause of mortality in the army is the system of vaccination. Soldiers do while four inoculations. About a week the body adapts and becomes vulnerable, almost like AIDS. The man disappears completely immune. Any cold can lead to death. And this situation - only in the Defense Ministry. For example, the internal troops vaccinated gradually.One injection per month. Therefore, there is no death.
According to human rights activist, to this we must add that the soldiers forced naked in the freezing cold to do exercises.
Melnikova agree with the president and the human rights group "Citizen. Army. Right "Sergei Krivenko. According to him, the causes of morbidity recruits must also include failure to provide medical care, drug supply shortages, lack of training of military units for the heating season and autosorsing - attraction to service parts thereto. This system introduced former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov. And, as a rule, they will not reach the troops.

Defense Ministry sent to the region 100 doctors to fight off colds

16:34 01/11/2013 (updated: 01.11.2013 16:41 
 / Earlier the media reported about another mass outbreak of pneumonia in military garrison Elanskii (Sverdlovsk region).
MOSCOW, Jan. 11 - RIA Novosti. Ministry of Defense of Russia sent military districts more than 100 medical professionals to organize emergency prevention of colds among the arriving recruits, told journalists on Friday a representative of the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry, Colonel Alexander Klimov.
Previously appeared in the media information about another mass outbreak of the disease pneumonia troops in garrison Elanskii (Sverdlovsk region). As the authors of publications, sick war is not proper medical care, patients are fed gruel, and one of the causes of the epidemic is that conscripts were kept for several hours at the parade ground in the 20-degree cold. Central Military District, denied the report.
"We have arranged a prophylaxis to prevent colds among the arriving reinforcements. Troops sent to more than 100 professionals from the Main Military Medical Directorate, the Main Military Clinical Hospital. Burdenko Third Hospital. Wisniewski and other military medical facilities," - he said. Klimov said that the Western military district sent 51 specialists, Central - 34, in the East - 11 and in the South - 15.
Talking about the level of disease in the garrison Elanskii Sverdlovsk region, in which, according to some media reports, an outbreak of respiratory illnesses among soldiers, Klimov said that as of 10 January, in a local hospital received 216 soldiers, of which 39 - diagnosed with acute respiratory infections, 18 - with bronchitis, 22 - with tonsillitis and 137 - with signs of pneumonia.
"Yes, there are cases of pneumonia, we do not hide it, but to take effective measures to combat this and other diseases," - said a military medic. He stressed that the total number of troops Elanskii garrison of about 15,000 people, and the percentage of pneumonia is low enough. Klimov said that as additional measures in the Ministry of Defense has formed a provisional military district hospitals, and all military personnel are required additional medical examination.
"Additional X-ray examination and a range of other complementary activities carried out even for soldiers who have no clinical signs of disease," - said Klimov. He said that in the event of even a small increase in temperature of any soldier is now immediately transferred to the detention center.
РИА Новости
The cause of death of soldiers in the suburbs could be adenovirus
Friday, 11 January 2013, 19:50
By Collary joined military doctors - they have to evaluate the epidemiological situation; conscripts arrived in Podolsk hospital from different parts of the Western Military District, but all of them was made one diagnosis - severe bilateral pneumonia virus
The cause of death of four soldiers in the suburbs could be adenovirus. However, while this is only preliminary information. For the investigation have already joined the military doctors. They should assess the epidemiological situation. It is known that the conscripts arrived in Podolsk hospital from different parts of the Western Military District. But all of them was made one diagnosis - bilateral severe viral pneumonia. 
Lyudmila Mikhaleva correspondent:
- The military began to arrive in Podolsk military hospital before the New Year. Diagnosis - viral and bacterial pneumonia - one of the most difficult forms of the course of the disease. When it affects the lungs with lightning speed. The doctors did all they could, but four children died.Army were killed in just over a month. Autumn conscription last year was one of the most recent - ended in mid-December. So the change in the form of a civil war in most of the recruits had severe frosts. This, according to military doctors, and played a fateful role.
Three of the victims - from the suburbs, from 27 Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade. The fourth military service Kovrov Vladimir region.
Eugene Dolgov, head of the military hospital:
- Fourth, we lost a patient before Christmas. She was treated already in the form of experimental, which has not been in any military clinical hospital. We got a new machine. Unfortunately, even this could not save.For 1.5 weeks in Podolsk military hospital received 94. In the intensive care unit is four. Their condition is stable, in the minds of the soldiers. Can talk and even smile.
Alex Mishanin, a soldier:
- I have vertigo started, and I was sent to the infirmary. Temperature of 39.5. With orderly sent us.
The children not only from different units - their training centers located in different areas. It was there, according to doctors, and there is an infection, the peak of which has not yet passed. The hospital is literally overflowing. Patients continue to arrive every hour.
Alexander Klimov, Chief of Army Medical Department of the Ministry of Defence:
- This problem occurs only in training units. There, which attracts recruits, young soldiers from different areas of the country where the epidemiological situation is different. Then it's all in the team mixed. Unfortunately, not all the activities that take place, do not always achieve the desired result.
Because of the mass of pneumonia and death soldier military prosecutors launched an investigation in several military units. What the results of this test, we will know soon.
Video in Russian

Media: in Moscow conscript soldiers are dying en masse from SARSMEDIA: IN MOSCOW CONSCRIPT SOLDIERS ARE DYING EN MASSE FROM SARS

Posted on 01/11/13 8:11
Four soldiers have already died. The account goes on dozens of cases.But Onishchenko denies this information.
Four soldiers in the suburbs for the holidays died of pneumonia. Deaths occurred in the period from 26 December 2012 to 7 January 2013.Preliminary diagnosis doctors - "atypical pneumonia", broadcast "News."
"All four of the preliminary diagnosis - "atypical pneumonia." source of infection - the virus outside. More accurate diagnosis is obtained after studying the histology "- said a source in the military medical community.
Three of the victims - from the 27th Guards Motor Rifle Brigade, the fourth - of the military unit number 30616 , said Life News.
Young children have died from a severe illness with a difference of a few days. The soldiers came to the District Military Clinical Hospital № 1586 in Podolsk is in serious condition. Save the children practically not possible.
In the first days of the new year in the metropolitan hospital in a coma in intensive care were hospitalized two conscript.
According to doctors, there is a mass disease of soldiers from different units, the clinic is now almost full of soldiers. Doctors say that infection occurs in parts.
By some estimates, the number of cases of pneumonia, several dozen people. All of the dead was one diagnosis - acute bacterial and viral bilateral pneumonia.
Because of the mass of the disease and death of military soldiers now military prosecutors to investigate and verify multiple units. However, from the comments in the department refused.
However Onishchenko not confirm the death of soldiers from SARS in the suburbs, says "Evening Moscow".
The Russian sanitary service there is no evidence that the four soldiers died in Moscow in the New Year is from SARS.
"If it really happened, the military doctors would find the opportunity to inform us about it," - said the head of Rospotrebnadzor Thursday evening, the chief state sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko .
SARS or SARS - severe infection. The first case was recorded in November 2002 in China.
In 2003, the Russian sanitary service strengthens the control of passengers and flights that arrived from South-East Asia. Then, in a number of countries have reported outbreaks of SARS - more than two thousand people became ill and 78 died.
In Russia, there was only one case of SARS, the man was taken to hospital in Blagoveshchensk, he recovered.

The death of a soldier in Moscow: the military blamed the frost and bacterial pneumonia

01/11/2013    22:27
Investigators are checking on the fact of the death of four soldiers in one of the suburban hospitals. Soldiers served in different parts of the Western Military District. And there are thought to be pneumonia . After that they were taken to the hospital. Doctors said it was too late, when it was already impossible to help.
Four deaths in the ranks of the Russian military in less than two weeks. This is a time of peace in the XXI century. Among the reasons for the Defense Ministry called the hard frost that for Russia in general is not uncommon, and even some special bacterial pneumonia .
"29 December, two people died, one man - January 7. Unfortunately, this grief, but medicine does not always win the disease. We recognize and state the" - said the head of the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Alexander Klimov.
All four soldiers with suspected pneumonia in Podolsk military hospital came from different parts of the Western Military District. And profit as stated in the Defense Ministry, after about a week after the onset of illness. Military doctors say that in all four cases, the disease was in a very poor condition.
"The patient was admitted to the hospital in a state of moderate severity and aggravating their condition began here. Taken all medical measures do not result", - says the head of the district in 1586, Military Hospital of the Moscow Military District of the Russian Defense Ministry Eugene Dolgov.
Immediately after becoming aware of the death of four soldiers at the place of service, the Ministry of Defense sent a special commission, which should identify the reasons for sickness soldiers. And also to establish why the military hospital they were delivered so late.
"The audit found a number of violations, indicating that, in fact, a number of officers were not ready for such a large rise in disease caused by low temperature, set in late December, and that got a lot of recruits from different regions and with different immune status, "- said Vladimir garrison military prosecutor Alexander Krakow.
In turn, at a specially organized a briefing at the Ministry of Defense Chief of the Main Military Medical Directorate Alexander Klimov said that the times when the bitter cold for hours to keep the soldiers in the street are long gone.
"If it's cold, a soldier on the parade ground to build and keep it an hour - this time, no one does. When starting cold, all moving at an accelerated pace, to the dining room is not being built, on the square was built. If the frost is strong, it can not have an event in the open air ", - stressed the head of the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Alexander Klimov.
The Ministry of Defence said that the currently adopted emergency measures to prevent colds in the military.The troops sent to over 100 specialists of the Main Military Medical Directorate.

Ebola suspected in Mubende district

Publish Date: Jan 11, 2013
 - Health state minister Sarah Opendi and other senior ministry officials dashed to Mubende hospital Friday morning following suspicions of an Ebola outbreak in the area.          
Mubende district health officer (DHO), Dr. Wilson Mubiru said two five-year-old children were admitted on Thursday night while vomiting blood – a symptom that was hurriedly linked to Ebola.           

The children were from different families.

Earlier rumours had put the number of patients admitted at the hospital to four and that three had died on spot.           
However, Mubiru and the hospital director Dr. Edward Nkrunziza told New Vision online that there were only two patients.           

Besides, the doctors have since called for calm, saying that it was unlikely for the patients to be Ebola cases.           

“We have forwarded blood tests to the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) in Entebbe. Although we are yet to get the results, we highly doubt whether this is Ebola,” said Dr. Mubiru.           

Save for vomiting, Mubiru said the patients showed no other Ebola-like symptoms.           

Dr. Nkrunziza also explained that the patients’ condition had “significantly improved” at around 10am on Friday.           

The development comes as the health ministry is preparing to declare Luweero district Ebola-free on January 16, if no new cases are registered in the area.           

About five people died of Ebola in Luweero late last year.           

The declaration will follow the completion of the 42 days countdown period since the last patient was discharged from the isolation Centre.

The ministry has also just declared Kabale and Ibanda districts free of Marburg, another infectious viral disease.           

Health ministry Permanent Secretary Asuman Lukwago said his ministry is working with the Environment and Wildlife ministries to ensure that the animals and birds that spread both Ebola and Marburg disease are wiped out.

Remove the Ministry of Health Circular Anticipation of Bird Flu Variant New

FRIDAY, 11 JANUARY 2013 20:58Jakarta - The Ministry of Health issued a circular to all regions to anticipate the spread of bird flu virus variants. Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi said circular that contains procedures for handling and cooperation with the Department of Health in the Department of Animal Husbandry.Although human infections have occurred in Indonesia, Minister of Health requested that the entire community be aware of the virus. "While clade 2.3.2 as Mr. Minister had to say that until now has found 8 cases in the world where there is the death of three people, while Indonesia together once yet. It is true what was said by Mr. Minister, although as yet we have to increase the awareness of the first prepared circulars and instructions for the implementation of all health workers in the area then what they need to do so that they work closely with the Department of Animal Husbandry, "he explained . government data in early January, said the number of ducks that died from bird flu reached 240 thousand more. The number of deaths was greatest ducks in Central Java, followed by East Java. Currently, carrying nearly 70 districts in 11 provinces to local spread of bird flu.

Flu 'epidemic ... still on the uptick,'

Flu 'epidemic ... still on the uptick,' national health official says

By Elizabeth Landau, CNN
updated 9:24 PM EST, Thu January 10, 2013

Severe flu kills 18 children this season

  • NEW: New York county has 2,347 flu cases -- this time last year, there were 5 cases
  • "We are into what would classically be described as a flu epidemic," health official says
  • Minnesota has 27 flu-related deaths; Oklahoma had 8
  • Boston mayor declares a public health emergency because of flu
(CNN) -- The flu is spreading fiercely across the United States, with more than 40 states reporting widespread activity in what one of the nation's leading health officials is calling an epidemic.
"If you look at the charts that the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) put out on their website, it clearly has gone above that threshold. So we are into what would classically be described as a flu epidemic," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Thursday.
"It's still on the uptick," Fauci added.
The season has started earlier, and cases are more severe than last year, health officials say.
The latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention flu advisory report, which covers the week of December 23 to 29, suggests that 41 states have widespread influenza activity, which was an increase of 31 states from the previous week. The CDC will issue an update on the flu situation Friday.
There have so far been 2,257 hospitalizations associated with laboratory-confirmed flu virus, the CDC report said. Among children, there have been 18 deaths reported during this season. Various state agencies also are compiling statistics on flu-related deaths.
This is only about week five in a 12-week flu season, according to Fauci.
"Remember, once it peaks, you still have a considerable amount of time where there is a lot of flu activity, and right now it may have peaked in some places, but for the most part, it has not yet peaked," he said....

The government has not declared an outbreak of bird flu KLB

The government has not declared an outbreak of bird flu
Friday, January 11, 2013 20:31 pm | 434 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The government has declared a new case of bird flu clade 2.3.2 as an extraordinary occurrence (KLB) because the transmission is still considered to be controlled and not infect humans.

"The government has not declared an outbreak because it is relatively under control. Cases in Riau because ducks brought from Cirebon and is localized. In some areas it's also been done (localization)," said Agriculture Minister Suswono in a joint press conference with Minister for People's Welfare Agung, Minister Nafsiah Mboi Health and Minister of Communication and Information Technology Tifatul Sembiring on Friday.

Suswono also said that the government would begin producing a vaccine for bird flu new clade that attack poultry in February to come.

"The vaccine is actually a long time can still be used but there are repetitions, two to three times for effective results," said Suswono.

For the year 2013, the Ministry of Agriculture has also submitted a budget of Rp220 billion for the cost of poultry depopulation anticipate the spread of bird flu to the new clade.

Meanwhile, Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi said although there was a new outbreak of bird flu in poultry clade, but people do not need to worry in eating poultry.

"Duck meat is still edible if cooked until done virus will die," said Nafsiah.

Minister also said it has taken steps such as anticipated by issuing a circular letter to the Department of Health in all areas to be aware of the incidence of dead birds together in large numbers.

"Anticipation measures are taken, including if there is a mutation in humans," said Minister of Health.

Earlier, as many as 15 countries have reported to the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) about the bird flu cases "clade" newly discovered in birds, including Indonesia, Iran, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, including Hong Kong, Vietnam, Mongolia , Republic of Korea, Japan, Romania, Bulgaria, Laos, Indonesia and Russia.

According to the WHO report, in the period from February to September 2012, the virus was detected in wild birds (wild birds) in Hong Kong, India and Nepal, and on farms in Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Nepal and Vietnam.

Total found there were eight new cases of bird flu in humans clade three cases, namely Bangladesh and China-Hongkong five cases with the number of deaths of three of the five cases in China.

While in Indonesia, the Minister said there has been no case of bird flu was detected in the human clade.

US Week 1 P&I Death Rate Crosses Epidemic Threshold

US Week 1 P&I Death Rate Crosses Epidemic Threshold
Recombinomics Commentary 12:00
January 11, 2013
Today’s CDC FluView (week 1) will show that the Pneumonia and Influenza (P&I) death rate for the United States (7.3%) will cross the epidemic threshold, which is not unexpected.  Last week (week 52) the rate of 7.0% was just below the threshold of 7.1%, and the flu epidemic, particularly the cases due to H3N2, was starting to take off in the northern portion of the country. 

Deaths are a trailing indicator and numbers reported for week 1 were striking in several states.  In Pennsylvania there were 3 deaths in week 52, bring the season’s total to 4, but in week 1 there were 18 more deaths.  Similarly in Minnesota the seasonal total at the end of week 52 was also 4, but there were 23 more deaths in week 1, once again signaling that the spike in cases seen in late December was translating to a spike in deaths (and hospitalizations) in early 2013.

The above state reports are for lab confirmed cases, which represent a tiny fraction of the total deaths.  This season H3N2 is dominating, and the elderly are targeted, leading to significant outbreaks in long term care facilities.  In most cases the patients are not tested for flu and therefore not included in the reports of confirmed hospitalizations or deaths.  However, the P&I total is based on patients who have influenza or pneumonia indicated on death certificates, which are used to determine a rate based on the total number of death certificates from the 122 largest cities in the United States.
The totals for the end and beginning of the calendar year may be impacted by holidays. So the number of P&I and total deaths are somewhat reduced due to reporting delays.  However, the large spike in lab confirmed hospitalizations and deaths indicate a rate above the epidemic threshold will also be seen in the upcoming weeks when holiday effects diminish.

In addition to the P&I rate and the total number of confirmed deaths, the death of adolescents (children under the age of 18) is also tallied.

Reporting of adolescent deaths of lab confirm cases is now mandatory in the US due to the high number of deaths in the 2003/2004 season, which were not tallied because such deaths were not reportable.  The new regulations allow for more accurate determinations, although many such deaths are not lab confirmed and therefore not reported.  The reporting of these cases also frequently lags because a report has to be filed and lab confirmation may produce delays. 

Today’s FluView will have 2 additional cases (from Kansas and Texas) to bring the season total to 20, but the number of media or state lab reported cases is already at least 33, reflecting the lag as well as the lack of lab confirmation (although the vast majority of the 13 cases not included in the week 1 report are lab confirmed and reported by the state labs.

72 cases of swine flu in Jordan

Wreikat, the number of people infected with swine flu in the country reached 72, summoned the ministry to take all measures to reduce the negative effects of the disease.
The Wreikat in a statement to the newspaper (opinion) Jordan, on Friday, that "all infected c..

Defense: Soldiers in Moscow died of "viral and bacterial pneumonia"

Defense: Soldiers in Moscow died of pneumonia

 January 11, 2013 at 11:53, 
Four soldiers, whose death in Moscow in December 2012 - January 2013, it was announced the day before, died of viral and bacterial pneumonia, said on Friday the Defense Ministry.
Earlier, a source in the capital's law enforcement agencies reported that military investigators of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation are checking into the deaths of four soldiers Podolsky garrison. According to him, the tragedy with these soldiers took place in December 2012. In addition, as reported in some media, the cause of death was military SARS.
"The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed the facts occurred in December 2012 - January 2013 deaths current viral and bacterial pneumonia among four soldiers who served in various military units in the Western Military District. When identifying disease in the garrison troops in hospitals and there is a negative dynamics of the disease they promptly brought to the District Military Hospital in the city of Podolsk, "- said in a statement.
All four soldiers in-depth examination of the hospital was diagnosed with "viral and bacterial pneumonia," said the military.
Ministry of Defence has confirmed the death of four soldiers from viral and bacterial pneumonia
01/11/2013, 12:46
Ministry of Defence has confirmed that in December and January, four soldiers in the Western Military District, died of viral and bacterial pneumonia. In the management of the press service and information department said that this diagnosis ill put in a clinical hospital in Podolsk in-depth examination. Their treatment was attended by leading specialists of the Central Military Clinical Hospital. A.A.Vishnevskogo and the Military Medical Academy. Kirov. The report says that the situation has been discussed regularly for a consultation with leading pulmonologists Russian Defense Ministry and the treatment with the modern medications and treatment techniques. Sick served in various parts...

..were they getting sick since Oct???

Five conscripts hospitalized with pneumonia in the suburbs

 31/10/2012 (updated: 11.02.2012 15:59 ) / 527

"Military prosecutors Podolsky garrison checks in connection with the identification of pneumonia in a teaching 30616-14 stationed in Barybino (Domodedovo district, Moscow region)", - said Moscow's assistant military prosecutor.
MOSCOW, Oct. 31 - RIA Novosti. five conscripts pneumonia in a Moscow military unit, told RIA Novosti Moscow Military Assistant Attorney Media Relations Svetlana Ustinov...

90 Percent Poultry in Bird Flu Tasikmalaya - Friday, January 11, 2013  Tasikmalaya - Death of positive birds ducks H5NI virus or bird flu continues to spread in some regions Tasikmalaya district.
Earlier, hundreds of ducks there are only positive for bird flu in two districts namely Sukaratu Cisayong and now bird flu has struck three other districts namely Singaparna, Cigalontang and Cineam.
However, so far the virus has not been known to attack humans.
Head of Veterinary Public Health Department of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Maritime & H Tasikmalaya District Idik Abdulah said indications poultry deaths due to bird flu almost ninety percent positive. It was after the tests in laboratory Cikole, London, a few days ago.
"So the samples that have been tested by us on site and tested positive H5NI further investigated in the laboratory. This is a red light, the result is 90 percent positive for bird flu suspect," said Idik, Friday (11/01/2013) morning.
Added Idik, preventive measures to suppress the dissemination of the virus now just by giving vaccination to poultry. However, it did find problems because the vaccine that will be used for this type of chicken. While avian bird flu most types of ducks.
"So we'll do this vaccine trial first to five hundred to a thousand tails in the sample. You see, we received the vaccine in the province. Was also the number is only 10 percent of the duck population is in Tasikmalaya district," said Idik.
During this time, the population of birds in the district Tasikmalaya reached 200,000 individuals. While the number of vaccines received only 10 percent of the 20,000 doses.
"The number of deaths from bird flu has reached two thousand of the total population. So in addition to the vaccine, we also prevent the spread of a few steps. Example, by preventing traffic pet trade. Especially for breeder instead have been asked not to release interim Itiknya of the cage. problem is fear of the virus will continue to spread to other birds, because in some areas the virus also spread to cattle and quail, "said Idik.

NTB Sanggah Infected by Bird Flu Outbreak

 Mataram - The provincial government of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) denied reports that the poultry that died suddenly in a few places in this area due to the bird flu outbreak.
Deputy Governor Badrul Munir NTB said the poultry deaths last few weeks due to the outbreak of Newcastle disease that occurs sporadically during the transition season to rainy season.
Badrul Munir explained that the government remains idle in anticipation of making every effort to prevent the spread of bird flu virus. Prevention is by maximizing surveillance at the entrances of the area, especially at the port of Sheet and Sape. 
He explained SKPD (SKPD) also linked early detection monitoring in the area to ensure NTB free of bird flu.
Previously, the fraction of PAN parliament questioning NTB NTB poultry deaths due to suspected bird flu outbreak that hit the province. This faction worry bird flu will infect humans. Earlier, in 2011 a number of areas in NTB contracted bird flu cases. Thousands of birds died suddenly, and people panicked for fear of contracting the virus. NTB provincial government attempted to locate and eradicate the case. Government also had banned entry of poultry from outside the area for several weeks.