
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Bird Flu, Supply Ducks to Market Reduced Sharply

Author: Liliek Dharmawan Sunday, December 16, 2012
Outbreak of avian influenza (AI) which attacked the ducks feared would disrupt supplies to the market.
impact is not expected to be felt two weeks to one month ahead. Secretary of the Livestock Marketing Information Center in Central Java Gembong Nugroho said that at this time in some areas in Central Java bird flu virus attacks the ducks. "In two weeks until the next one month, the market would be disrupted ducks certainly due to a lack of supply to the market. Moreover, maintenance of ducks takes time to six months, "said Gembong. Described by the Kingpin, until now unknown strain of the virus that attacks the ducks. "Is duck virus strain that attacks similar to ducks to chickens. It should be known that it can be expected that soon no more and spread," he said. According to him, the government should immediately ensure AI virus strain, so that there is no basis in an effort to vaccinate or that the virus has spread widely. "So far bird flu has indeed been done in a way to vaccinate poultry. however, present vaccines are generally only chickens and ducks have not been up to, "he said.

Smuggled poultry from China carries bird flu virus, antibiotics: Vietnam official

Last Updated: Thursday, December 13, 2012 10:30:00
A seller in a market on Hanoi's outskirts with her "junk" hens smuggled in from China.
A senior agriculture official said Tuesday that most Chinese chicken smuggled into Vietnam -- at very low prices -- carry the bird flu virus and excessive amounts of antibiotics.
Dam Xuan Thanh, deputy head of the Animal Health Department, said more than 60 percent of samples taken from Chinese chickens at the Lang Son border have H5N1, posing a “very high risk of spreading the disease in the country.”
He said the chicken is likely to affect consumers’ health anyway since all the samples had higher antibiotics levels than permitted.
The import is mostly of old hens that no longer lay eggs, and are considered “junk” and end up as animal feed in China or developed countries.
Figures from the ministry show that 70,000 to 100,000 tons of such chickens are smuggled across the border every year.
A kilogram sells for around VND15,000 (US$0.72) in China, and the price doubles at the Vietnam border.
But it is still less than the average chicken price in Vietnam.
Agricultural authorities have begun to crack down on this long-existing problem, but around 50,000 chickens are still smuggled into Vietnam every week, Thanh said.
Statistics compiled by global veterinary health company CEVA Santé Animale indicate that wholesale chicken prices have fallen more than 16 percent this year to around VND35,000 (US$1.70) per kilogram.
Thailand’s CP Group, Malaysia’s Emivest, and Indonesia’s Japfa Comfeed Tbk, the three foreign-invested companies that have been buying from farmers in Vietnam, said they have struggled with selling local chicken at lower than their cost prices.

WHO downplayed health effects of nuclear crisis on Fukushima residents : German physician


BERLIN — A German doctor and member of a Nobel Peace Prize-winning physicians' group has criticized a World Health Organization report on the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe for underestimating its impact on human health.
In a research paper, Alex Rosen said the WHO report, published in May this year on estimated radiation doses received by residents near the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, was compiled mainly by officials related to the International Atomic Energy Agency, which promotes the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes.
Rosen, a member of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, called for an independent assessment based on solid scientific methodology that would examine the health impacts from radioactive fallout released after the Fukushima No. 1 complex suffered three core meltdowns in March 2011.
The WHO report put the maximum whole-body radiation dose per person in the first four months of the crisis at 50 millisieverts, even in two municipalities very close to the plant, the town of Namie and the village of Iitate. It also estimated that no area experienced doses in excess of 100 millisieverts.
The risk of developing cancer is believed to substantially increase if the annual dose exceeds 100 millisieverts.
Rosen noted that the WHO's estimate on the amount of radioactive fallout emitted from the plant's destroyed reactors was significantly lower than projections provided by research institutes in many other countries.
The WHO report also failed to take into account the radiation exposure of people living within 20 km of the No. 1 plant and who were evacuated in the first few days of the calamity, after the area was designated a no-go zone, Rosen said, pointing to the possibility that these residents may have received high doses before or during their evacuation.
The report "seems to suggest a certain safety while omitting the important information that the risk of developing cancer and other radiation-induced diseases increases proportionally to the amount of radioactive exposure," Rosen, a pediatrician, said.
The most flawed aspect of the WHO report is "its apparent lack of neutrality," he said.
Rosen further asserted that the report reflects an effort to downplay the effects of the disaster, as it was compiled chiefly by IAEA staff and members of nuclear regulatory bodies that were closely colluding with Japan's nuclear power industry.
"It is unclear why a report written mainly by the IAEA and collaborating nuclear institutions would need to be published in the name of the WHO, if not to provide an unsuspicious cover" for the true radiation levels Fukushima residents were exposed to, Rosen argued.
Last month, the German branch of the international physicians' group sent a letter to WHO Director General Margaret Chan, calling for a substantial expansion of medical research on the health effects of the Fukushima disaster. The branch also sought the early establishment of a comprehensive registry of residents in Fukushima who are estimated to have been exposed to radiation of more than 1 millisievert following the triple meltdowns.
A WHO official said the organization is as yet unable to respond to Rosen's research paper or the German branch's letter because it is still examining the documents.
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, established in December 1980 and headquartered in Somerville, Massachusetts, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985. The group has branches in 62 countries and regions worldwide, including Japan.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Ministry of Health checks for bird flu mutations

..They keep talking about a mutation, but it's more like spread due to imports. They also keep telling us how the same virus is in Nam, China and other countries.

Alert, Bird Flu Virus Has Mutated
Author: Cornelius Eko Susanto Saturday, December 15, 2012
MI / Good Suryo / cs
JAKARTA - MICOM: Ministry of Health to make sure there has been a mutation of the H5N1 virus causes bird flu. This new type of virus easier to transmit disease suspected bird flu from poultry to humans. "Mutations in the bird flu virus in Indonesia is already happening. It also occurs in a number of countries," said Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health Ministry of Health Tjandra Yoga Aditama via letter electronics received on Saturday (15/12). 
Tjandra comments in response to the rampant problem of duck deaths in some parts of Indonesia due to bird flu virus. To mark the new H5N1 virus mutation, the researchers are now calling clade (type) new virus, which clade 2.3.2. 
Earlier in 2009, the virus was named clade 2.1.3 mengindap birds clade 2.3.2. not only in Indonesia. Some countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Japan, Korea and Hong Kong have reported cases of the same mutation in birds. "For a while clade recently discovered in poultry and human infections have not dtemukan in Indonesia, " he said. Nevertheless, transmission clade in humans have been reported in China, Hong Kong and Bangladesh.
 regard to the new virus mutation and spread of a number of ducks by the virus, the MoH has made ​​a circular bypass Health Office (PHO) to be aware that there are local poultry deaths in large numbers. addition, PHO expected to prevent and control the possibility of human contact with poultry deaths in large numbers. If there is close human contact with poultry deaths in large numbers, handling procedures should be done well. That is by checking the logistics, coordination and monitoring and reporting when there are developments to watch.

Poultry Trade Triggers Uncontrolled Spread of Bird Flu

12/15/2012 01:51:00 AM

Owabum Post | | microbiology lecturer and imonologi, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), I Wayan Teguh Wibawan say, the emergence of bird flu could have occurred due to migration or mutation of the virus in Indonesia. Besides poultry trade also trigger uncontrolled munculya bird flu.

Death ribua ducks in Brebes, Central Java, and a number of other areas due to bird flu firus in a different class of clade 2.3.2 viruses before. Clade is a new disease that attacks a group of new, yet have less immunity to clade. Includes pet ducks and other poultry animals.

To cope with bird flu to do with prevention. Prevention efforts can be done with indakan biosecurity, including restrictions on poultry transport sick birds from one area to another and Performing culling limited and did disinfectant.

Selan, said Teguh, the presence of birds that migrate to the area of ​​Indonesia should also be monitored. He expects the government to respond to the case before it was too late to find a source of transmission of the disease.

Sudden Death Investigated Poultry in Magelang video

Magelang:Many birds in Magelang, Central Java, died suddenly. There are allegations that pet people died of bird flu virus. However, the Department of Livestock and Fisheries Magelang not want to rush to conclude the cause of the case.How to check the sample of saliva and blood of dead birds. Meanwhile, the test results showed no sudden deaths of poultry bird flu related. But the local Animal Husbandry Department will test samples to a laboratory to confirm the cause of death of poultry.  

Friday, December 14, 2012

Efforts DG PP and PL In response to News Death Ducks and Bird Flu Virus Mutations In Bird

 2012-12-12 01:43:27
Jakarta, December 11, 2012, in connection with the death of ducks and mutation of the bird flu virus in poultry, the Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Prof. dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama SPP (K), MARS, DTM & H, DTCE, said that a mutation in the influenza virus can indeed occur, and it is always the case in many countries.

 Moreover, what is now happening is the mutation of the H5N1 bird flu virus into a clade (kind of) new, namely clade 2.3.2. Mutations to clade 2.3.2 now in birds, except in Indonesia also reported to have occurred in Vietnam, Cambodia, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Japan, Korea and Hong Kong.

So far, there is no man in Indonesia who contracted the bird flu virus H5N1 clade that recently. Transmission clade in humans have been reported in China, Hong Kong and Bangladesh, said Prof. Tjandra.

Efforts that have been made ​​of PP and PL Directorate General, Ministry of Health of Indonesia for vigilance and anticipation among others Make Director General Circular No. PP and PL; PM.01.01/D/II.1/1709/2012, the Department of Health in the area, so be wary if there is a large amount of poultry deaths, prevent and control the possibility of human contact with poultry deaths in large numbers, that if only there was a close contact of human with bird deaths in large numbers, then do the procedure well and check handling logistics, coordination and monitoring and reporting when there have been developments to watch.

In addition, the Director General of PP and PL also have talked about this in a meeting with the officer's urveilans various provinces, and called for increased vigilance / Alertness , on December 9, 2012 meeting. Coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture as well as with experts and relevant international organizations to monitor developments, as any existing development, scientific materials will always be propagated to the affected areas, said Prof. Tjandra,

This was stated by Prof.. dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama of Jakarta.


Date: Fri 14 Dec 2012

Source: Indonesian Ministry of Health press release, via Flutrackers [machine transl., abridged, edited]

Report of 192nd Case of Bird Flu


The Ministry of Health, the Directorate General of Disease Control, and the Environmental Health [Service] announced that a new case of H5N1 [avian influenza] has been confirmed by the Center for Basic Biomedical and Health Technologies, Balitbangkes.

The case is a 4-year-old male, a resident of Kampung Nagreg, Gorowong Village, District Parung Panjang, Bogor regency, West Java. The child exhibited symptoms of fever on 20 Nov 2012, and on 1 Dec 2012 the case was moved to Pustu. On 4 Dec 2012 there was no change in the condition of the case when seen by a private doctor. On the morning of 5 Dec 2012 the case went to a health centre and in the afternoon was referred to the Private RSIA for hospitalization. On 6 Dec 2012 the case was referred to the Tangerang District Hospital because of onset of fever, cough, and shortness of breath. The condition of the patient worsened and the child eventually died at 23:40hr.

Epidemiological investigations have been conducted by the hospital and the other agencies involved including a possible risk factor of direct contact with poultry carcasses, including possible exposure to entog (ducks) in the neighborhood.

With inclusion of this case, the cumulative number of bird flu cases in Indonesia since 2005 until this new report is 192 cases with 160 deaths. Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Prof. Dr.Tjandra Yoga Aditama as the focal point of the International Health Regulations (IHR), has reported the case to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

This information is released by Center for Public Communication, Secretariat General of the Ministry of Health.


Communicated by:

Gert van der Hoek 

Senior Moderator,

[ProMED-mail thanks Gert van Hoek for sending and interpreting this report. This is the 1st confirmed human case of avian A/(H5N1) influenza virus infection in Indonesia since 30 Jul 2012. That case was a 37-year-old male from Yogyakarta province. He developed fever on 24 Jul 2012, was hospitalized on 27 Jul 2012 and died on 30 Jul 2012. 

There have been no other reports of human cases from elsewhere during this period. Official confirmation by the WHO is awaited. The global total of human cases now becomes 609 with 359 fatalities.

Indo. Dr Nidom says not a mutation, but imports

The entry of Avian Influenza Virus Attack Duck For Deliberate
JAKARTA, - The entry of the H5N1 bird flu virus that destroyed most recent subclade over 320,000 ducks in Java due to the element of intent. Pretext to gene mutations irrational because it occurred in a short time leap subclade.
Chairman Avian Research Center, Airlangga University Chairil A Nidom said on Saturday (15/12) when contacted in East Java. According to Nidom, if a gene mutation, is not possible in a too short a change subclade.
In Indonesia, said Nidom, three subclade bird flu virus that subclade 2.1.1; 2.1.2 and 2.1.3. "If a gene mutation is most likely to be or subcladenya or Become subclade 2.3.2 If this has happened leaps and highly unlikely," he said.
Therefore, Nidom can ensure that the entry of bird flu virus subclade 2.3.2 due to deliberate. "Could be in the form of imports of duck and duck products are contaminated with the virus, or the inclusion and use of the H5N1 virus vaccination with existing subclade in Indonesia but subclade 2.3.2 contaminated," he explained.  


South Lampung Anticipation Spread of Bird Flu

Saturday, December 15, 2012, 7:25 pm

Compensation will be provided to farmers if bird flu declared a national disaster

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Jakarta - Compensation will be provided to farmers affected by depopulation if the bird flu that attacked thousands of ducks in some areas declared a national disaster. Ministry of Agriculture, Suswono, said there is still a reserve fund that can be used to pay the compensation.
 "If it's in the category of disaster, we've got a reserve fund," he said at Red Top, Pecenongan, Friday (14/12). Meanwhile, Deputy Trade Minister Bayu Krisnamurthi said the Ministry of Trade was to coordinate with the national committee prevention of zoonotic , the diseases that come from animals.
 This effort is conducted to measure the level of danger from this plague. Ministry of Trade will do pengawasaan and trade restrictions if the epidemic is increasingly getting bigger."When outbreaks of large, Kemendag duty to supervise trade, trade restrictions or conduct trade ban was decided by the condition of the disease, "said Wakemendag in a separate place on Friday (14/12). 
The government continues to investigate to determine whether the infected birds or just a local poultry importation. The government will hold a World Heath Organization (WHO) and the Food Agriculturure Organization (FAO) to find a solution. Avian flu that strikes thousands of ducks in East Java a few weeks ago came from H5NI virus classified as Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPA) has Clade 2.3. 2 .
 This virus causes morbidity and mortality rate is quite high in ducks. Based on data Bbvet Wates and reports of deaths in the sample introduction ducks data showed an average mortality of ducks was 39.9 percent with the lowest percentage of 8.3 percent, and the highest mortality reached 100.0 percent.
 This is the same virus with a different kind endemic in 2003, ie 2.1 sub Clade Clade 2.1.3 that attack chickens and cause death in humans. Until now there has been found to attack this virus in humans. Related to this outbreak, the Ministry of Agriculture is still processing Permentan regarding the importation of poultry products and feed from Australia.

Quarantine on the "bird flu" in the Kuban withdraw December 24

 12.14.2012 / 66

In late November, Rosselkhoznadzor registered deaths of hundreds of birds in the area of ​​estuaries Kiziltash (Temryuk district and district Anapa).

MOSCOW, Dec 14 - RIA Novosti, Tatyana Kuznetsova. authorities of the Krasnodar region on December 24 to remove declared the outbreak of "bird flu" quarantine in the two areas was recorded mass death of birds, said on Friday the district administration Rosselkhoznadzor.

In late November, Rosselkhoznadzor registered deaths of hundreds of birds in the area of estuaries Kiziltash (Temryuk district and district Anapa). Original authors have preliminary diagnosis - "bird flu" (AH5). Later the authorities of the region reported that the birds fell from the influenza virus type H5N1. In Temryuk district and Anapa November 30 was a regime of emergency and quarantine. In total, according to the agency, in estuaries has been collected about four thousand dead birds .
"Restrictive measures (quarantine) in Kiziltash estuary due to the massive loss of wild birds will be lifted on December 24 decree of the head of administration of Krasnodar region in connection with the liquidation of bird flu disease in Temryuk and Anapa areas and the full range of activities in accordance with the rules against Avian Influenza, "- said in a statement.
According to authorities, new outbreaks of mass death of wild birds have been recorded. Meanwhile, in the region in coordination with prosecutors edges are checking large poultry farms and poultry farms.

РИА Новости

ATTACK AI: Thousands of ducks in Karanganyar attacked AI

Sampling ducks in Karanganyar, Friday (12/14/2012).(Kurniawan / Jibi / Solopos)

Friday, December 14, 2012 18:27 PM 
Diseases of bird flu or avian influenza (AI) began attacking poultry in the district of Karanganyar entering this rainy season. Within one to two months, thousands of birds are reported type of duck or dead duck.
Mass of dead birds scattered in the district with 2,500 Jatipuro tail, tail Karangpandan 3000, Cork 100 individuals and 400 Mojogedang's tail.
Respond mass death of poultry, Agriculture Quarantine officer Class I Semarang perform sampling mucous Karangpandan poultry in the district on Friday (14/12/2012). The activity was carried out with accompanied by officers of Animal Health (Keswan) Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakkan) Karanganyar.
Sampling was conducted at three different locations in the village Ngemplak and Dayu, Karangpandan. Furthermore, the mucous membranes of birds taken from the throat and rectum will be tested in the laboratory. The results of laboratory testing can be known fastest next week.
One field officer Keswan Disnakkan Karanganyar, Fatkhur Rakhman, explaining mass poultry deaths have occurred since about a month ago. In response to these conditions, the field officer Keswan Disnakkan specimen sampling has been done in the area of ​​poultry and Mojogedang Karangpandan, about three weeks ago.
The sample specimens were then sent to the Center for Veterinary (BBVet) at Wates, Jogjakarta, to be examined in the laboratory. As a result, three of the 15 samples of poultry specimens were taken at three different locations declared 
positive for AI virus.
"Today's decision by re-sample the mucous membrane of Agriculture Quarantine officer Semarang. The result is what we wait, the earliest next week could have known, "he said.
However Fatkhur Rakhman explains the symptoms of the disease in ducks sampled by officers BKP mucus membranes are similar to the symptoms of bird flu. As the mass death of birds, flatulence, cramps occur, tongue sticking out to the blindness of the eyes. One breeder duck origin Jatiharjo Hamlet, Dayu, Karangpandan, Sularmo, 45, said 200 young duck's death three months.
According to him, his ducks died because he could not eat after stricken with sudden blindness. As a result of that event Sularmo suffered losses of around 5 million. "I used to buy a duck while still small at a price of 10,000 per head. But when the four month-old ducks instead many are dead, there are 200's tail. And if at that time I was selling, the price of the ducks could reach 25,000, "he said sorry.
But lucky sudden blindness attacks do not happen to belong to the whole duck Sularmo. Today he still has a 300-duck.

Indo-MOH confirms new case of bird flu

hattip to Dutchy

Report of 192nd Cases of Bird Flu

Ministry of Health, Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health announced a new case of H5N1 has been confirmed by the Center for Basic Biomedical and Health Technologies, Balitbangkes.
Case on behalf of the IT (male, 4 years old) residents of Kampung Nagreg, Gorowong Village, District Parung Panjang, Bogor regency, West Java. Dated 30 November 2012 symptoms of fever, December 1, 2012 the case went to Pustu. Dated December 4, 2012 because there was no change in the case of seeing a private doctor, dated December 5, 2012 morning the case went to the health center and in the afternoon the case was referred to the Private RSIA for hospitalization. Dated December 6, 2012 the case was referred to the Tangerang District Hospital because of fever, cough, and shortness. The situation gets worse case and the case eventually died at 23:40 pm.
Epidemiological investigations have been conducted into the hospital, and the case surrounding the Integrated Team MoH and local health service, possible risk factors that come in direct contact with poultry carcasses (entog) in the neighborhood.
With the increase of these cases, the cumulative number of bird flu in Indonesia since 2005 until this news broadcast is 192 cases with 160 deaths.
Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Prof. dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama as the focal point of the International Health Regulations (IHR) has been informed about the case to the WHO.
This information is released by Center for Public Communication, Secretariat General of the Ministry of Health. For further information, please contact via telephone: (021) 52907416-9, Fax: (021) 52921669, Rapid Response Response Centre (PTRC): 500-567 and 081 281 562 620 (sms), or e-mail contacts @

Bird Flu Mutation Create Thousands Dead Ducks

Friday, December 14, 2012, 23:11 pm

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA - As of September to December 2012, thousands of ducks have died from the H5N1 virus has mutated to clade 2.3.2. 
Duck carcasses scattered in Bantul, Kulonprogo, Sleman and Yogyakarta.
Unit Coordinator for Disease Control Avian Influenza (bird flu), or the Local Disease Control Centre ( LDCC) Department of Agriculture (Distan) DIY Tri Wahono onReuters, Friday (14/12) describes the many dead chicken. 
In fact, during this time people assume that ducks resistant to H5N1. However, since last September in the DIY begins mortality in ducks. When examined at the Veterinary Research Institute ( Balivet) Jakarta, was the cause of death of the ducks with H5N1 clade 2.3.2. Though usually occurring H5N1 virus in poultry with a variant of 3.2.1. 
Symptoms ducks affected with H5N1 clade 2.3.2 as MD ( Marek's disease ) in birds that rotated his neck, his eyes like cataracts and paralyzed on the third day. But usually when a bird hit MD after treatment can be cured. But the ducks were exposed to H5N1 clade 2.3.2 on the fourth day is usually instant death. 
Admittedly Tri, with clade 2.3.2 H5N1 more virulent than the H5N1 that has been happening in poultry. Therefore we need a new vaccination. If you use regular vaccinations, will not have a big impact because the virus is more virulent. 
'' My people expect the government to pursue a new vaccine to prevent the spread of H5N1 has mutated. Later than six months after entry of the clade 2.3.2 H5N1 vaccine is already available,'' said Tri

Cases of Bird Flu, Bali Stop Meat Ducks from Outer Java

 Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Bali ban duck meat imported from outside Java. The ban was imposed following a mass mortality in ducks in some parts of Java. Head of Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Bali Province Putu Sumantra said the ban will be strengthened by the Governor Regulation. This prohibition also as part of an effort to anticipate the return of bird flu outbreak in Bali. "We do not know, in Java, that's how they keep ducks, we worry about the ducks that the suspect by people infected with bird flu in pieces, so we ask Do not include duck from Java "Putu Sumantra said Head of Livestock and Animal Health of Bali, Putu Sumantra recognize provincial government of Bali and Quarantine also continue to increase surveillance in Bali entrances to prevent smuggling of live poultry into Bali. Moreover, the current spread of bird flu in Bali under control.

Government Flu Threat Alert Ducks

Coordination performed to see outbreaks of the disease.

Friday, December 14, 2012, 23:08
 duck flu cases being endemic in Indonesia urged the government to immediately coordinate with the National Zoonosis Zoonosis is a disease transmitted from birds to humans.
"Coordination is done to see outbreaks of the disease," said Vice Minister of Commerce, Krisnamurthi, in his office, Jakarta, Friday, December 14, 2012.
He said the Ministry of Commerce will coordinate with the commission headed by Deputy Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare. 
Coordination of the same, Bayu added, also conducted by the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health Ministry of Livestock with FAO and WHO, to see a picture of the spread of flu that attacked ducks ducks in Indonesia.
"The Ministry of Commerce will conduct trading surveillance duck, duck restrict trade, even trade ban duck," he said.
Duck flu cases sticking to the media since the discovery of hundreds of ducks that died suddenly in the Jepara, Central Java, in December this year. Then, the local government encourages derah duck farmers to remain vigilant and wash hands after contact with pet birds.
However, Bayu admitted that for now, there is no human flu ducks. "No one got the flu ducks. Unlike bird flu has killed 150 people in five years," said Bayu.
Solo bird flu alert
Meanwhile, the government is increasingly aware of the threat Solo spread of avian influenza or bird flu. This is due to some areas that are around Solo from bird flu.
"We've done spraying disinfectant to a poultry market in Solo. This was done to anticipate the spread of bird flu virus," said the Head of the Department of Agriculture Solo, Ekayanti Weny to headline on Friday.
Spraying has been done regularly in recent weeks. In fact, in every market poultry deployed officers to monitor conditions contained in the poultry market. "In the poultry markets no supervisor on duty," he said.
Although no findings poultry bird flu, according to him, the spread of bird flu occurred in the transition seasons, the transition from the dry to the wet. "Hence, the present condition is alert to the threat of bird flu," said Weny.
Additionally, Weny claimed to have received a circular from the Central Java Provincial Government to do to prevent the spread of bird flu virus. Furthermore, circular disseminated in a number of districts in Solo. 
"The letter asking for disinfecting and vaccinating birds," he explained. 

Ebola Virus Uses a Protein Decoy to Subvert the Host Immune Response

 Ebola virus is the causative agent of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF), a disease with up to 90 percent mortality. While human outbreaks of Ebola hemorrhagic fever have been confined to Africa, Ebola virus infections in bats, the presumed natural reservoir of the virus, have also been detected in Europe and Asia.

The high lethality of the disease, combined with its short incubation period and the lack of vaccines or effective treatments, makes Ebola virus a significant public health threat as well as a potentially devastating biological weapon. Efforts to develop a vaccine against Ebola virus have been met with limited success, and it is likely that the virus employs complex immune evasion mechanisms that present unique challenges for vaccine design. Understanding these evasion mechanisms is a critical first step in developing an effective vaccine.
In this study, the authors examined the role of a protein secreted in large quantities by Ebola virus-infected cells. The protein shares regions with a membrane protein that the virus expresses on its surface and uses to initiate the infection process. The authors studied antibodies generated by immunizing mice with the viral surface protein and/or the secreted protein. They determined that the secreted protein can selectively drive induction of antibody responses to itself and also compete for antibodies to the viral surface protein that would otherwise bind to and inactivate the virus.
"Our findings provide an explanation for the lack of protective antibodies against the viral surface protein in patients who have survived Ebola virus infection," says Dr. Chinglai Yang, assistant professor of microbiology and immunology at the Emory University School of Medicine. "We hypothesize that the secreted protein allows the virus to subvert the host antibody response in vivo, and that this may enable the virus to cause repeated or sustained infection in its natural reservoir."
The results suggest that immunity induced by a vaccine may need to reach a sufficient threshold to effectively neutralize the incoming virus to protect against Ebola virus infection. These findings raise new challenges for Ebola vaccine design, as vaccines will most likely have to be tailored to overcome or avoid the ability of the secreted decoy protein to interfere with host immune responses. Such approaches could enable the development of more efficacious vaccines to prevent Ebola virus infection.
Dec. 13, 2012 — In a study published today in the open access journal PLOS Pathogens, researchers at Emory University have discovered a potentially important mechanism by which the Ebola virus alters and evades the immune response of its infected host.

The Death of Duck Spreads

 - (Friday, 12/14/2012) Officers of Central Java convention of agricultural quarantine inspection on Friday afternoon in several duck farms in Bradford, following the increasingly widespread cases of sudden death of ducks in this region due to suspected bird flu. Until now, the last two weeks, the number of ducks that died suddenly Bradford allegedly region has reached tens of thousands.
This makes the mass death of duck breeders panic. Because they have not found a cure, let alone most of the ducks that died suddenly on average youngerOfficers took samples of duck feathers and duck feces for materials research, so it can be determined whether the death of ducks from bird flu or other illness.
Currently farmers suffered considerable losses, and some have gone out of business. To anticipate the spread of the other ducks or humans, the farmers are required to burn or bury the carcasses of ducks with a minimum depth of half a meter.     

or just throw them in the creek..or take them to market..
MASKS?..We don't need no steenkin masks.. gloves?..


Government Prepares Bird Flu Compensation Fund

Friday, December 14, 2012, 15:06 pm

JAKARTA - Compensation will be provided to farmers affected by depopulation if the bird flu that attacked thousands of ducks in some areas declared a national disaster.
Agriculture Minister Suswono said there is still a reserve fund that can be used to pay the compensation. "If it's in the category of disaster, we've got a reserve fund," he said at Red Top, Jakarta, Friday (14/12).

Meanwhile, Deputy Trade Minister Bayu Krisnamurthi said the Ministry of Trade was to coordinate with the national committee control zoonoses, which are diseases of animal origin.
This effort is conducted to measure the level of danger from this plague. Ministry of Commerce will conduct pengawasaan and trade restrictions if the epidemic is increasingly getting bigger.
"If the outbreak is great, Kemendag duty to supervise trade, trade restrictions or conduct trade ban was decided by the condition of the disease, "said Wamendag in a separate place on Friday (14/12).
The government continues to investigate to determine whether the infected birds or just a local poultry importation. The government will hold a World Heath Organization(WHO) and the Food Agriculturure Organization (FAO) to find a solution.
Bird flu that attacked thousands of ducks in East Java a few weeks ago came from a virus belonging H5NI Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPA) has Clade 2.3.2. This virus causes morbidity and mortality rate is quite high in ducks.
Based on data Bbvet Wates and reports of deaths in the sample introduction ducks data showed the average mortality was 39.9% ducks with the lowest percentage of 8.3% and highest mortality reached 100.0%.
This is the same virus with different types being endemic in 2003, ie 2.1 sub Clade Clade 2.1.3 that attack chickens and cause death in humans.
Until now there has been found to attack this virus in humans. Related to this outbreak, the Ministry of Agriculture is still processing Permentan regarding the importation of poultry products and feed from Australia.