Sampling ducks in Karanganyar, Friday (12/14/2012).(Kurniawan / Jibi / Solopos)
Friday, December 14, 2012 18:27 PM
Diseases of bird flu or avian influenza (AI) began attacking poultry in the district of Karanganyar entering this rainy season. Within one to two months, thousands of birds are reported type of duck or dead duck.
Mass of dead birds scattered in the district with 2,500 Jatipuro tail, tail Karangpandan 3000, Cork 100 individuals and 400 Mojogedang's tail.
Respond mass death of poultry, Agriculture Quarantine officer Class I Semarang perform sampling mucous Karangpandan poultry in the district on Friday (14/12/2012). The activity was carried out with accompanied by officers of Animal Health (Keswan) Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakkan) Karanganyar.
Sampling was conducted at three different locations in the village Ngemplak and Dayu, Karangpandan. Furthermore, the mucous membranes of birds taken from the throat and rectum will be tested in the laboratory. The results of laboratory testing can be known fastest next week.
One field officer Keswan Disnakkan Karanganyar, Fatkhur Rakhman, explaining mass poultry deaths have occurred since about a month ago. In response to these conditions, the field officer Keswan Disnakkan specimen sampling has been done in the area of poultry and Mojogedang Karangpandan, about three weeks ago.
The sample specimens were then sent to the Center for Veterinary (BBVet) at Wates, Jogjakarta, to be examined in the laboratory. As a result, three of the 15 samples of poultry specimens were taken at three different locations declared
positive for AI virus.
"Today's decision by re-sample the mucous membrane of Agriculture Quarantine officer Semarang. The result is what we wait, the earliest next week could have known, "he said.
However Fatkhur Rakhman explains the symptoms of the disease in ducks sampled by officers BKP mucus membranes are similar to the symptoms of bird flu. As the mass death of birds, flatulence, cramps occur, tongue sticking out to the blindness of the eyes. One breeder duck origin Jatiharjo Hamlet, Dayu, Karangpandan, Sularmo, 45, said 200 young duck's death three months.
According to him, his ducks died because he could not eat after stricken with sudden blindness. As a result of that event Sularmo suffered losses of around 5 million. "I used to buy a duck while still small at a price of 10,000 per head. But when the four month-old ducks instead many are dead, there are 200's tail. And if at that time I was selling, the price of the ducks could reach 25,000, "he said sorry.
But lucky sudden blindness attacks do not happen to belong to the whole duck Sularmo. Today he still has a 300-duck.